The Name

Diet Moonlyte

Whether we're aware of it or not, everything we consume throughout the day contributes to our diet, impacting not just our physical wellbeing but our spiritual health as well.

The inspiration behind the name 'Diet Moonlyte' is rooted in this simple, yet profound concept: It emphasizes the importance of integrating 'Moonlyte'—a symbol for the knowledge and improvement of our higher selves—into our daily regimen.

By doing so, we nourish not just our bodies, but our souls, embarking on a holistic journey towards enlightenment and self-improvement. image

The Author


About seven years ago, I found myself navigating through a series of profound, life-altering events that seemed to unfold without end. In my quest for answers, I began to explore realms once considered intangible and elusive — those of a Higher Power, instinctual vibrations, and celestial entities. Initially perceived as realms fraught with bias and delusion, my journey soon transformed into a journey of awakening. I discovered an undeniable connection between the cosmic and the vibrational truths of cause and effect, leading to a profound acceptance and an insatiable curiosity about the universe's mysteries.

This exploration catalyzed a significant transformation. I began to detach from established religious beliefs, simultaneously embracing the undeniable existence of a Higher Power. My thirst for knowledge expanded across various domains, from Astrology to Religion & Spirituality, and Manifesting. The pieces of the puzzle started to align, revealing a universe where everything was interconnected, and I stood at the epicenter of my own, meticulously crafted reality. What once appeared as mere figments of imagination assumed a tangible form, while my perceived reality dissolved into illusion.

Since that pivotal moment, I have not only deepened my understanding of these spiritual domains but have also integrated them into my daily life, aiming to benefit both myself and others. Guided by the stars and the insights revealed in my birth chart—which I had long denied—I began to leverage Astrology as a tool for navigating life's ebbs and flows, aligning my actions and intentions to manifest my deepest desires. Utilizing my innate abilities in analytics, discernment, and logic, I have endeavored to illuminate the path for those around me.

The encouragement of friends—both from real-life connections and the online community—empowered me to embrace my gifts and extend them in service to others. I am now dedicated to enhancing the well-being of those who seek guidance, offering insights that transcend bias and convention. I hold a deep conviction that everyone is deserving of happiness, rooted in the belief that the divine offers its boundless power as a choice. As you navigate your journey, I am here to guide you, should you choose to embrace the infinite possibilities that await.