
Get the latest astrological data and view the current planetary positions.


Today's Current Planets

Planet Zodiac Degree
  • Accuracy

    Many people misread their horoscopes, which can lead to forecasts that don’t seem accurate or feel too general.

    This common mistake often results in skepticism about astrology. It's important to know that the real issue might not be with astrology itself, but with how people are reading their horoscopes.

  • The Right Way

    To get the most from your horoscope, you should read it based on your Ascendant, or Rising Sign, which represents your 1st House.

    This is crucial because your birth time sets the unique arrangement of the 12 Houses in your chart, making your horoscope much more personal and specific to you.

  • Houses

    Your astrological chart includes 12 Houses, each symbolizing a different aspect of life, such as finances, relationships, or career.

    Even if a house doesn’t have any planets, it still has significance. For example, if your 2nd House is in Capricorn, and the Sun is currently in Capricorn, this highlights your financial matters.

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The Moon


N e w    M o o n

❈ S o l a r   E c l i p s e ❈

Apr 08, 2024

♏️ • Scorpio

Cycle Start:
🌑 November 13, 2023

N e w   M o o n

May 07, 2024

♐ • Sagittarius

Cycle Start:
🌑 December 12, 2023

N e w   M o o n

Jun 06, 2024

♑ • Capricorn

Cycle Start:
🌑 January 11, 2024

N e w   M o o n

Jul 05, 2024

♑ • Capricorn

Cycle Start:
🌑 January 11, 2024

N e w   M o o n

Aug 04, 2024

♒ • Aquarius

Cycle Start:
🌑 February 9, 2024

N e w    M o o n

Sep 03, 2024

❈ E c l i p s e ❈
♓ • Pisces

Cycle Start:
🌑 March 10, 2024

N e w    M o o n

❈ S o l a r   E c l i p s e ❈

Oct 02, 2024

♈ • Aries

Cycle Start:
🌑 April 8, 2024

N e w    M o o n

Nov 01, 2024

♉ • Taurus

Cycle Start:
🌑 May 7, 2023

N e w    M o o n

Dec 01, 2024

♊ • Gemini

Cycle Start:
🌑 June 6, 2024

N e w    M o o n

Dec 30, 2024

❈ Eclipse ❈ ♈️ • Aries

F u l l   M o o n

Apr 23, 2024

♉️ • Taurus

Cycle End:
🌕 November 15, 2024

F u l l   M o o n

May 23, 2024

♊ • Gemini

Cycle End:
🌕 December 15, 2024

F u l l   M o o n

Jun 22, 2024

♋ • Cancer

Cycle End:
🌕 January 13, 2025

F u l l   M o o n

Jul 21, 2024

♌ • Leo

Cycle End:
🌕 February 12, 2025

F u l l   M o o n

Aug 19, 2024

♍ • Virgo

Cycle End:
🌕 March 14, 2025
 ✧ 𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕣 𝔼𝕔𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕤𝕖 ༻

F u l l    M o o n

❈ L u n a r   E c l i p s e ❈

Sep 18, 2024

❈ E c l i p s e ❈
♎ • Libra

Cycle End:
🌕 April 13, 2025

F u l l   M o o n

Oct 17, 2024

♏ • Scorpio

Cycle End:
🌕 May 12, 2025

F u l l   M o o n

Nov 15, 2024

♐ • Sagittarius

Cycle End:
🌕 June 11, 2025

F u l l   M o o n

Dec 15, 2024

♑ • Capricorn

Cycle End:
🌕 July 10, 2025